Our New Home...

2:42 PM Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I was floored by signing into Etsy Call Out and getting a

"Warning: We have a concern about some of the content on your blog. Please click here to contact us as soon as possible to resolve the issue and re-enable posting."

This is the email I received from Wordpress:


There are statements in the comments that allege someone 
'stole' and ripped off' designs.
If the commenters provide full legal proof of that and post  
that information to that post then the comments can stay.
If they cannot then those comments need removing or those 
words editing out. The person who wrote the comments may  
see what they say as opinionbut those are legal terms and 
proof has to be provided.
OMG seriously?!? I will NOT remove or edit. Therefore, here at blogger 
is our new home. 
Update your links-etsycallout.blogspot.com 
 I have moved the last 50 posts over here but due to different editing 
styles the links are funky looking at the moment. 
The Wordpress blog address will still be there as long as it is not 
removed so refer back to it if need be: etsycallout.wordpress.com


  1. *testing*


  2. Hurray! Comments are working!

    But onto a comment about the post. It's unfortunate about Wordpress. Makes me wonder if "someone" threatened them...? They do seem the type.


  3. wordpress is notorious for buckling under outside pressure. plus the guy who runs it is a butt.


  4. So this is our new home? Mkay. Hey is there anyway to change the black background? My eyes are finding it hard to read.... maybe it's just me. If so neevermiind.


  5. imwithya, I am having a hard time with the black background too. I thought it was my "old eyes" lol!

    Crazy Cat Lady

  6. I find it hard to read, too. Dark backgrounds with small unbolded type are ouch. But for now I'll just put on my reading glasses and squint up against the screen.

    I don't get Wordpress. I've seen blogs there full of rants against Muslims, gays, politicians, religious leaders that were threatening and sometimes specifically insulting. And these are still active. I guess no one complained.


  7. testing this function. :)



  8. like blogger much better, hate those stupid popups everytime you hover over a link on wordpress!

    She Who Runs Amok

  9. Welcome to blogspot! Keep up the good work, I get so frustrated by the lack of integrity on Etsy.

    Rain Likely

  10. Told you it was birdhouse boy! And it isn't libel if it's true. Neener neener neener. :-P

    forum rubbernecker

  11. The new background is much easier to read... muchas gracias :D


  12. This always gets my goat, and it just happened again: a seller gets ripped off by another seller, complains to Etsy admin, nothing is done about it, and when seller complains in the forums, half the replies are the usual "cluck cluck poor Etsy admins are sooo busy stop expecting them to help you in a timely manner." Of course the thread was closed in less than an hour.

    Funny how Etsy has no problem responding immediately when it comes to shutting up people complaining about poor customer service. . .

    Rain Likely

  13. Nice place!


    Bedazzled Condom

  14. @Rain Likely, I'm no expert but I feel like those are two different administrative rolls--buyer/seller account reviews and forum moderators.


  15. "since admin and WORDPRESS won't let us"



  16. Congrats on your move!

    Sounds like things must be getting a little tough for a certain reproducer of birdhouse designs.


  17. Darn, looks like someone reported the old blog. While I do take issue with Blogger's refusal to remove a certain libelous blog (that which belongs to Uboat), I definitely think Wordpress could stand to grow a set. Interesting how they asked for proof when the proof of the original designs is almost always posted.


  18. Look like D'oh Man's?


    forum rubbernecker

  19. Congratulations on the "move"! I wish you many successful years in your new place! LOL!

    Sometimes the neighborhood just goes to s**t and you have to get out of there........


  20. What blows my mind every time is how there are plenty of other comments using those "legal" terms: ripped or stolen. It's the nature of the blog, and they're all over. And even on the comment in question, there was evidence right after those claims!!

    Why now, I wonder? And why, even when those claims were substantiated?


  21. glad to see etsy callout alive and well...


  22. Sarah: I'm no expert but I feel like those are two different administrative rolls--buyer/seller account reviews and forum moderators.


    Yes, that's my point. It's obvious they focus their resources on what they consider most important.

    And I don't understand why they shut down scam warning threads. When a seller posts "I got an email from a buyer who wanted etc etc . . ." that's considered a form of calling out? Sheesh

    Rain Likely

  23. That was fast! Based on the nature of the 'complaint', I take it D'OH!man was the whiner. Seems like him; if you can't avoid the truth, just pretend it's all a plot against you!


  24. Etsy admin should be warning all sellers in email about the possible scam buyer, giving examples of the kind of convos they might receive. This can be done without sharing the email or any other personal info of the person suspected of trying to scam. It looks like Etsy is not concerned with protecting its sellers from potential fraud.


  25. life-during-wartime: Etsy admin should be warning all sellers in email about the possible scam buyer, giving examples of the kind of convos they might receive. This can be done without sharing the email or any other personal info of the person suspected of trying to scam. It looks like Etsy is not concerned with protecting its sellers from potential fraud.

    I don't know, Craigslist does it and not only does it look crappy, but people STILL get scammed. Despite the awkward formatting, it does help that they list some scammer identifiers.

    Sadly, I think an email would be quickly moved to the junk mail folder. And keeping something visible permanently on the site would seem, well... shady. Might hurt their reputation.

    @RainLikely: ahh, I see your point now. It would seem that Etsy has a different approach then, say, 1000 markets. They take a more hands-off approach. All the same, sure would be spiffy to see resellers and TOU violators removed in a timely fashion.


  26. Actually, there was an issue earlier today with a shop that was reselling brand new luggage. Looks like Etsy did take action, so I stand corrected, maybe they will be moving faster.

    And maybe the Etsy slogan could be beefed up a bit:

    "Your place to buy and sell all things handmade. Repeat: That's HAND MADE, can't you read? Keep your factory made resales and foreign sweatshop imports OUT of here."

    Rain Likely

  27. Rain Likely said...
    And maybe the Etsy slogan could be beefed up a bit:

    "Your place to buy and sell all things handmade. Repeat: That's HAND MADE, can't you read? Keep your factory made resales and foreign sweatshop imports OUT of here."
    But Etsy is not about just HAND MADE. This helps resellers feel they can fly in under the radar. Seriously, how different does a typical (admin selected, especially) front page collection look from Ebay or a department store's online site? How many people visit Etsy each day who don't read the text, and think they've found a really cool girly frou-frou shopping site -- and the concept of handmade never crosses their minds? How much does the Etsy marketing strategy contribute to the confusion?


  28. life-during-wartime said...
    Rain Likely said...
    And maybe the Etsy slogan could be beefed up a bit:

    "Your place to buy and sell all things handmade. Repeat: That's HAND MADE, can't you read? Keep your factory made resales and foreign sweatshop imports OUT of here."
    But Etsy is not about just HAND MADE. This helps resellers feel they can fly in under the radar. Seriously, how different does a typical (admin selected, especially) front page collection look from Ebay or a department store's online site? How many people visit Etsy each day who don't read the text, and think they've found a really cool girly frou-frou shopping site -- and the concept of handmade never crosses their minds? How much does the Etsy marketing strategy contribute to the confusion?

    As a buyer since 2007, and only recently oped up a sellers acount..I can tell you that the concept of handmade DOES enter a buyers mind, even if they have had no expsoure to handmade before. It states handmade on the front page, and most people immediately get that. It's when you really start searching that the major issues arise from seeing the mass produced items. The trust Etsy builds initially with buyers is quickly strained.


  29. Laura, the front page was not as blandly commercial a few years ago as it is now.

    When reseller items show up on the FP, usually they sell...fast. Even when the company's logo appears in the listing photos. People are buying what they like, handmade or otherwise.

    Just yesterday, there were 2 separate threads I saw in the forums about admin including tagging violation items in the FP collections. On both threads, a bunch of sellers chimed in asking for convos because everything looked fine to them after clicking on all the items. (In one thread it was a hand altered item categorized as vintage, and the second thread it was vintage categorized as handmade clothing.)

    I'm not saying that all, or most, of the Etsy community of buyers, sellers, admins, managers don't know or care if an item is handmade. But I do think there is a growing minority who don't know and/or don't care...and some of them work for Etsy.

    It wasn't hard to tell which item was the violation. The photos showed items which were factory made clothing, one clearly altered (should have been listed as handmade) and the other not. I don't sew or knit, and I could tell. At least one of the FP collections with a violation was admin selected, not from a treasury.


  30. Since when is "ripped off" a legal term?


  31. The new blog looks nice but you have removed the "follow this blog" thingy and the rss thingy (which are normally part of all blogger blogs). Can you add those back so it is easier to follow this new blog?


  32. How come the old blog is being uopdated? I'm confused... That's not too had to do...


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