Reader Comment- ohmygoshemboss

1:55 AM Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Maybe I’m being a bit judgmental on someone new to Etsy. Admittedly, my panties get in a bunch when I see repeat-reqeusters in Alchemy, especially when it’s a shop requesting items very much in-lieu with their trade. So pardon my metaphorical wedgie…

<a href=""></a>

She’s a paper embosser. She should make cards, right? But I can’t help but wonder how much “handmade” work is really her own…

Card slips? (still not sure what the hell she’s looking for) <a href=""></a>
Packaging? <a href=""></a>
Something about using her business card [removed by admin]
Someone to do all her photos for her? (”photoshop wiz”) <a href=""></a>
Envelopes? Seriously? <a href=""></a>
Clear stickers <a href=""></a>
And long ago, something about requesting “something to put on my cards, to make them like a gift on their own!”

And added insult to injury,
Send heap stuff to her family (ideal price: $1) <a href=""></a>

Please understand: I know that Etsy shops aren’t required to stir, apply, and lick the glue of their hand-crafted manila envelopes. But the extent of these requests and lack of creativity by the shop owner has me scratching my head.


  1. But I guess there’s a possibility she just wants to spend more time on the actual cards, I don’t know.

    No way is she spending very much time on those cards.


  2. I need to dig out a thread this seller posted. In it she said she did not like the look of handmade. Oh the irony.


  3. Here:

    She personally does not like the look of handmade and appreciates the quality assurance you get from big name brands.


  4. I'm a little confused by the last Alchemy request- does she want postcards sent to her family? And what's with the request that some be signed by her? Can't she send them these things?

    I get the impression that she's really really young and has no concept of DIY perhaps.


  5. "Admittedly, my panties get in a bunch when I see repeat-reqeusters in Alchemy"

    Why? I don't understand why any of her requests are problematic. What's wrong with someone using alchemy frequently? She wants cute packaging and better photos and a new shop banner, and she's willing to pay.

    *scratches head*

    (a card slip is like a slim, flat bag, but made out of fabric. It's a bag to "slip" the card into)


  6. OP here.

    I guess to clarify, I've seen her shop name come up quite a bit. Maybe she's just new, but it seems odd she advertises her cards and envelopes as handmade, but is requesting a LOT through Alchemy.

    Again. It's sweet when you see shops request handmade gifts or even wholesale for packaging or supplies. The types of requests she's making seem fishy though: stickers, envelopes, and "card slips"--what's left? I'm curious how others feel about this.


  7. Honestly I think this is so bizarre! What she is asking for just seem like things that would be so simple to make herself if she has a creative bone in her body.

    Whilst there technically isn't anything wrong with asking for these things on alchemy I do agree it is a little odd!


  8. It wouldn't be so strange if she didn't have a shop.


  9. She's so specific on the card slips it seems like she should know how to sew and do them herself. But I guess there's a possibility she just wants to spend more time on the actual cards, I don't know.

    I sew and crochet and make baby things, but I made an alchemy request for the baby I'm expecting and ending up buying something sewn that I could *probably* make myself. I just wanted to make a fun purchase and not worry about making it. So maybe there are honest reasons here too.


  10. And her own shop looks so professional? With great pics and all...

    (I'm pretty sure she does the embossing herself, though, which makes her items handmade.)


  11. Ouch, just read that thread and didn't realize she was the one who started it! Ironic, yes, given her unprofessional looking shop AND cards.

    To put my cards on the table (no pun intended), I make my own greeting cards. It's a bit of an insult to see this accepted as "professional card art". I too have an embosser. And I know how little she's actually doing. That doesn't take a lot of skill or creativity. But yes--it still qualifies as "handmade".

    It's the "custom orders" that make me nervous. What is she actually able to customize, if she can't make her own envelopes, stickers...


  12. wow. i just read that thread. her listings should say..."made with total, and utter contempt".


  13. The whole debacle is mind boggling. I can't seem to get my head around the whole idea of not liking the look of handmade...yet selling your "handmade" cards on a venue that touts itself as a place for "all things handmade". Her lack of ability to associate handmade with quality, in itself, is a massive insult to each and every seller on Etsy (less the resellers and suppliers).
    I really can't hold it in - she's an idiot. Her cards and pictures look like crap. My child could make better looking cards with a bunch of pre-made stickers and an embosser. She's clearly a novice who is bored and doesn't value or respect the work of those she has chosen to sell beside. I guess she assumes we're all as bored and as talentless as she is, and like her, we're just trying to peddle whatever doesn't sell at flea markets for a few extra pennies.


  14. She also manages to call herself out: she mentions that she has 3 shops(!), but I don't see them disclosed in the omg-shop...

    And this: "If you do not insure your package, I am not responsible for damages or losses. Sorry!" - can't disagree with 'Seriously?' about the idiot part.


  15. There was a good post last week in a thread about Custom $1 items:

    And really, people should do the math on a $1 item:
    Listing Fee = .20
    Transaction Fee = .035
    PayPal Fee = .029 + .30
    First Class US postage (letter) = .44
    Total Fees & Postage on a $1 item: $1

    So a seller has spent the $1 before they've bought an envelope, label, business card to put in the package, and of course there should be a product in the package too.

    - Even if you're selling something you got for free, you can't make any money selling a $1 item on Etsy.


  16. The whole debacle is mind boggling. I can’t seem to get my head around the whole idea of not liking the look of handmade…yet selling your “handmade” cards on a venue that touts itself as a place for “all things handmade”. Her lack of ability to associate handmade with quality, in itself, is a massive insult to each and every seller on Etsy (less the resellers and suppliers).

    Modern chic is the opposite of her shop. And there is plenty of modern chic on Etsy!


  17. Handmade cards can be a unique gift so please reconsider.


  18. Until 2yrs ago I made handmade cards and there wasn't a big market for them. Noone ever considered the time spent on them and the were meant as keepsakes but many I am sure ended up on the curb after the holidays.
    P.S , the money was not very good buit that was not why I got into it.


  19. I don't think anyone was putting down handmade cards. I've bought oodles of them. This post wasn't about the craft itself, it was about a seller who has really crazy alchemy requests and posts about not liking handmade.


  20. I would love to see your cards , BeautifulGems


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