Reseller Call Out- yystudio

9:19 PM Tuesday, July 14, 2009

<img alt="" src="" class="alignnone" width="330" height="349" /><img alt="" src="" class="alignnone" width="247" height="310" />
Evidently Etsy closed their shop once, and somehow they were able to manipulate their language to get it reopened. Any time a shop has many different style items requiring differing expertise &amp; machines, and totally professional-shot photography in the asian style (<strong>YET BLURRY ADDS ETSY CALL OUT</strong>), one gets suspicious. I am not alone -- many sellers know this, and are very frustrated with Etsy in regard to these.

This shop wants to say that 4 members of their family make all the stuff the sell. Well, here they are on taobao:
<a href=";prev=_t&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;history_state0=">;prev=_t&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;history_state0=</a>

Here's the feedback page translated by google:
<a href=";prev=_t&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;history_state0=">;prev=_t&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;history_state0=</a>

description and location of store in CHINA, not in High Wycombe (London?) UK, as they state in their shop locater.
<a href=";prev=_t&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;history_state0=">;prev=_t&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;history_state0=</a>

Stats for one of the shops:
<a href=";prev=_t&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;history_state0=">;prev=_t&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;history_state0=</a>

Here's the Etsy items, in order:
<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>

<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
(24 sold on taobao last 30 days)

<a href=""></a>
<a href=";ie=UTF-8&amp;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;u=;prev=_t&amp;;usg=ALkJrhjlLhiN1D8aSr6bhtKBvm1hyXDSJQ">;ie=UTF-8&amp;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;u=;prev=_t&amp;;usg=ALkJrhjlLhiN1D8aSr6bhtKBvm1hyXDSJQ</a>
(23 sold last 30 days)

<a href=""></a> $22 on taobao, $46 on Etsy
<a href=";ie=UTF-8&amp;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;u=;prev=_t&amp;;usg=ALkJrhgUpv7wMyw9PzuJ4_ZTxMsSKeiM4Q">;ie=UTF-8&amp;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;u=;prev=_t&amp;;usg=ALkJrhgUpv7wMyw9PzuJ4_ZTxMsSKeiM4Q</a>
obviously they do keep stock since this one shows 4

<a href=""></a> $47 on taobao $101 on Etsy
<a href=";ie=UTF-8&amp;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;u=;prev=_t&amp;;usg=ALkJrhipwrNDSoud9zdM-AU3MUBTpADaew">;ie=UTF-8&amp;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;u=;prev=_t&amp;;usg=ALkJrhipwrNDSoud9zdM-AU3MUBTpADaew</a>
obviously they do keep stock since this one shows 7 in stock

<a href=""></a> $43 on tabao $84 on Etsy
<a href=";ie=UTF-8&amp;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;u=;prev=_t&amp;;usg=ALkJrhgE_MylW8vNgmQhw_sNcIaeNyT-Bw">;ie=UTF-8&amp;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;u=;prev=_t&amp;;usg=ALkJrhgE_MylW8vNgmQhw_sNcIaeNyT-Bw</a>
obviously they do keep stock since this one shows 6 in stock

<a href=""></a>
<a href=";ie=UTF-8&amp;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;u=;prev=_t&amp;;usg=ALkJrhirPvVTmFBsDpXFIuPEzi1td55xuA">;ie=UTF-8&amp;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;u=;prev=_t&amp;;usg=ALkJrhirPvVTmFBsDpXFIuPEzi1td55xuA</a>

<a href=""></a>
<a href=";ie=UTF-8&amp;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;u=;prev=_t&amp;;usg=ALkJrhikoA--qaD1uSVYhJDc6CR9s2VC5A">;ie=UTF-8&amp;sl=zh-CN&amp;tl=en&amp;u=;prev=_t&amp;;usg=ALkJrhikoA--qaD1uSVYhJDc6CR9s2VC5A</a>

Please address these resellers. I can't believe that Etsy doesn't have the skills to figure these out, when quite a few sellers of true handmade have been able to figure them out.


  1. I remember that seller coming to the forums complaining they were shut down.

    Etsy needs a set of balls. I just don't understand how they don't see these things, especially when they are pointed out so clearly with all of this supporting documentation.


  2. Etsy really needs to jury shops while they list their first 10 items.

    I'd like to call out a tag abuser who makes the FP all the time. Look at this item

    sage toggle clasp? pine julyfreeship? seriously?


  3. this is insane - the 4th picture down on this listing even shows their other web address - leading you to all the info you need to prove they are a reseller!

    Their website says they are in Wuhan, China - not High Wycombe! jeez the trail is so obvious.


  4. Here is a new one:


  5. Hey, here's an ovbious one:

    Anyone who has 488 necklaces listed could not possibly be making them all! DOH!
    I flagged; won't you join me?


  6. Speaking of tag abuse, I have reported the following shop time and time again to no avail. I collect cabochons and searching for them on Etsy is a hassle because of this seller, they tag most of their beads as cabochons.

    I did a search for cabochon in their shop, and as you can see the result I got was mostly beads that are obviously not cabochons:

    It is highly annoying to have to go through pages and pages of beads when searching for cabs. Help me report the tag abuse? :)


  7. I'll admit, I love those Asian clothes, and I buy them... ON OTHER SITES. Geez, what kind of image does Etsy give to buyers like me, who know about these fashions, when they put these sellers on the FP?

    Yeah, it's good looking, good quality clothing, but it's not handmade or vintage, which is exactly what I shop for on Etsy.

    Etsy needs to be somehow juried.


  8. Ouch.


  9. How come this shop can still survive there at ETSY then?

    And i saw many other links in the given comments which are not related to the topic discussed, what are these all about then?


  10. Also I want to point out that the grey blazer 'featured' in the call out article is sold out. We can not find the same fabric for now because it is still summer fabric market.

    Folks, check these out, and see if you still think they are professional photoes? We do NOT even have a professional CAMERA!

    If you really want to dig it out, please download any of our photoes and click the 'properties' and see how OLD our DC is. We work hard to take good photoes, but we get flagged because we 'look professional'??

    In natural light:
    With NO photographic light on:
    Natural light, crap camera, blur photo, another corner at home:
    Crap camera, too white light, over expose:

    I really hope in Etsy or even in the real world, we all get encouraged by fellows because we work hard to make it good, because we use very limited old instrument to make very nice photoes, because we never give up the pursuit for perfectness:)


  11. Hi Echo, juz a few things to clarify with you:

    1. Are u one of the 4 members who help in production of handmade clothing?

    2. The 4 members are located in UK OR CHINA? And where are u located now?

    3. The production of handmade clothing will be in UK OR CHINA?

    4. As stated in your etsy shop, the shipping location is in UK. Whereas in "your" Taobao shop the shipping location is in CHINA. Why this happen? It's really confusing?

    Expecting your answers for the above...


  12. sounds like echo is on the up and up. what an articulate and clear response. i agree about the location question- but it is small potatoes compared to other questions for legitimate resellers that are out there

    and, i sew clothes- some elaborate and some not so. with the right machines 2 or 3 garments can easily be made a day

    plus, i'd love to have a professional team to work sewing, pattern making, and IRONING. Just help with the ironing would increase production at the OHJOY studios 300%.


  13. Hi guys, I am the so call 'reseller' yystudio in this forum. Actually I really think it is really a compliment:)

    I would love to explain in details, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information.

    1) ***About the Chinese Taobao Website:

    Our family have started selling in Taobao for 2 years. Starting from 2007-07-17. We sold 2110 items during past 730 days which means we made 2-3 items a day which is very REASONABLE for 4 people!!!

    Why people keep attacking us using this website? Is that because it is Chinese website that we HAVE TO be a reseller?

    2) ***About the stock:
    The stock number in the Chinese Taobao website is random numbers because we only choose the steady fabric supplier! That means we do NOT stock fabric! We buy fabric AFTER we get an order directly from our fabric suppliers which has a LARGE amount of fabric!

    Also in all designs of PURE colour fabric such as red chiffon, black cotton, grey linen, etc, they are EASY to find ANY TIME, ANY WHERE. I can enter 1000 pieces if I want altough it will take forever to finish! In Taobao we do NOT pay listing fee! So I will NOT get charged by entering multi-items.

    Here are a few examples in my store with LIMITED supply:

    3) ***About the 'Professional photoes'

    I will have to tell my cousin Yvone who is my model too. She will be thrill to know our photoes are thought to be 'professinoal'. If you buy a $20 strong white light, shotting against a white wall, you can get a 'professional' photo easily even using our 2005 FIJI OUTDATED DG-Camera! Please click on any of my photoes and check if it is taken by this OLD-fashion DC.

    Please check out how our photoes are taken:

    4) ***about the sold number:

    The article ONLY pick our best seller! Chinese people love Qipao/cheongsam that's why we sold a lot! MOST of our items only sold 2-3 per month! Also we do NOT make custom clothes to sell within China because S-M-L size will fit 90% of Chinese figures! So we save a lot of time tailoring.

    We WORK HARD DAY AND NIGHT. We got 4 people, but do I have to count someone like: my dad help to iron today when he is off work? My uncle help to pack today when he is back home early?

    Now in my Etsy shop, people normally have to wait about 7-10 days to dispatch because we have only 4 people and cannot finish it quick!

    5) ***about some basic logic

    ALL our items in ETSY is CUSTOM make! We make clothes for plus size people, for people with asymmetric body measurement! Please look at my Etsy feedback. NO mass prouduction factory will EVER do that!

    Also many customer come to me, askingto change fabric from wool to cashmere, change colour from black to white, even change asymmetric design into tube design! NO factories will do this! Never!

    Here is one of my hand sketch, I can provide EVERY hand sketch of every design:


    I HATE resellers as much as you do! I know how hard it is for a small business to survive as one of them and I do appeciate your kind consideration. We work as hard as most of you to promote, to design, to tailor. Thank you for your attention!


  14. You know, I think she's telling the truth, and I appreciate that.


  15. Yystudio’s eligibility is fully verified and approved by Etsy, and you can find all required info disclosure in the shop’s announcement.

    I am one of the 4 members in yystudio, running the Etsy account, and I am living in the UK. Our products are fully customised and handmade, shipped from UK or China, depending on the particular design, fabric, and customer’s location.

    Here in the article the author (Astrid aka? RunzwithScissors in Etsy) are trying to tell a one-side story which is judging others irresponsibly. I have noticed the author’s recent comments in another article which is very inappropriate and offensive.


  16. Hey, I'm all about calling out when it's deserved, and I love this blog. But the seller has come on here and provided a lot of information and clearing up some misconceptions.

    So, why does the most recent post again say she is a reseller? I don't think that's very fair to her.

    -because that is the email I received. See the different name at the end of it? I don't edit what gets sent my way-eco


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