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1:21 AM Monday, June 29, 2009

Kristen says:
"I have flagged this item time & time again

<a href="http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=17641699">http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=17641699</a>

handmade in a factory in Poland is more like it! I have been to the factories in Boleslawiec!"
Gern says:
"Please please flag this shop, loaded with mistagging, non-vintage vintage, and things listed as supplies that are not."

<a href="http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=7500714">http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=7500714</a>
Laura says:
"I just found your call out blog, and love it! This sellers drives me crazy bc I know it's not handmade:

<a href="http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5709631">http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5709631</a>

She doesn't offer custom sizes, and look at the stuff! What do you think?"


  1. Does anyone else not see the Report This button any more?


  2. ha ha, the last one in this post says in her profile that she professes she is not a metalsmith, yet she has bezel set gemstone rings in her shop.


  3. IHateThis, I think there's just a Report This Item button - you have to go to an individual item to see it. I don't think there was ever a Report This button for a shop itself. According to Etsy, when an item is reported, they review the entire shop, not just the item.


  4. Kristen, that first has been removed.

    I know for me, the flagging button has been iffy lately.


  5. Weird! I was going to send in that last shop today! Yes, she even admits that she didn't make that stuff in her profile! I've flagged her. But does that do anything?? Love this site.


  6. Yea, the first shop is gone, the second is empty, time to get the third one closed.


  7. Yes! Her profile even says she's not a metalsmith.


  8. 3rd sellers shop is empty! 3 for 3 on this post!


  9. Hey Etsy! WTH is taking so long with this one?



  10. Wow. I cannot believe that tooth shit is still up. Amazing.


  11. I can't seem to flag anything these days. I am wondering if once something has been flagged the rest of the flags don't go through? Seriously that tooth whitening stuff needs to go...that is so NOT handmade. and they have sold 2 which makes me sick!


  12. Let's work on this one:


    Thoughts? I think having "Export" in your shop name doesn't bode well.


  13. sweet! 1 post here and it is gone from etsy!! thanks all!


  14. never mind 2 sales, that pseudo-jewelry seller sold 195!!!!! wtf?

    I'm half-debating about closing my stores and just being a clearing house for unhandmade stuff on Etsy, they seem to be selling hand over fist...

    Im starting to really question the customer base on Etsy...are they really here for handmade items?


  15. did you guys see ginasattic's shop announcement?


  16. Is it necessary to make others to close the shop and lose their income???

    To buy a nice item that you couldn't get in your city, why not?


  17. Just remember when some of this junk sells, it doesn't necessarily mean it was a true Etsy buyer....they probably found it through a browser search or directed there from an ad.....it is very sad that Etsy has lost sight of the original concept of their venue. I realize it may not be all that easy to police every shop that opens up, but once it is pointed out to them, they need to remove it. There is also software to block IP addresses of those that keep trying to open up reseller shops!


  18. Hey Links...why shouldn't these shops have to follow the same rules as the rest of us? Being in a dire financial situation is not a license to ignore the rules.

    Besides there many, many other venues for non-handmade non-vintage items....there is nothing stopping a seller from using those venues.


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