
9:00 PM Friday, August 21, 2009

<img alt="" src="" class="alignnone" width="155" height="125" /> <img alt="" src="" class="alignnone" width="155" height="125" />
I just stumbled on this shop:
<a href=""></a>

and don't know what to make of it. The supposed artwork looks copied from other artists. The books, well, I've seen that before and it sucks, but is a franchise.

What about all those "paintings" of other artists work?
And the personalized notes?
weird, just, weird.


  1. I say, never by stationery from a person who can't spell "stationery."


  2. It looks like she bought paintings from the stand in the mall 5 yrs ago and decided to sell them. WTF?


  3. I'm sure she has permission to use the Marvel characters and the Sesame St. art too.
    And there is nothing, nothing more artistic than a golf cart seat cover.
    Trash vendor. Crap. Pitiful. Who cares?


  4. It looks like she bought paintings from the stand in the mall 5 yrs ago and decided to sell them. WTF?
    Well put. This shop kind of personifies what is wrong with Etsy. Obviously there's a big range of skill level, but there should be no place on Etsy for this kind of crap.


  5. Holding my breath for the first velvet painting on Etsy. In fact, I don't have to hold my breath because I am going to search for one right now!


  6. Less than two minutes: voila![]=tags&includes[]=title


  7. I can't really see the 3-D effect that she's talking about, but apparently she cuts the images out by hand and layers them. So, technically (by Etsy's standards), it's handmade. I'm not a fan of this sort of thing, but I don't think she's violating any rules that Etsy cares about (like copyright.)


  8. laughing at the velvet painting! I think those personalized books are a franchise type thing where either you print those on your computer or have a special printer for them, so technically they are handmade? I don't think there is a copyright violation here since the original manufacturer of the books probably has an agreement with the copyright holders. The 3-d pictures are something that was popular in the 70's, you do the cutting and layering yourself after buying the pictures. The shop is ultra tacky but not technically in violation of any etsy rules.
    Etsy is turning into a big church bazaar these days, anything goes! I wonder if there are any laminated place mats made out of old greeting cards. Or pipe cleaner angels.


  9. vintage pipe cleaner angels (actually pretty darn cute)

    not greeting cards


  10. It's getting worse everyday..............


  11. You HAVE TO SEE THIS! Pipe cleaners![]=tags&includes[]=title


  12. Oh My God. I did a search for pipe cleaner and this pops up:
    the StayPuft Marshmallow Man.


  13. Eighteen bucks!

    My sister and I used to make puppets like this when we were in the third grade. I just can't look at pipe cleaners anymore; I feel dirty.


  14. If you do not like what a seller has than here is a tip, DON'T BUY IT. What thye sell is their business and not any ither single persons.
    My advice is to stop being a drama queen.


  15. Lizz Says:
    September 5, 2009 at 7:58 pm

    If you do not like what a seller has than here is a tip, DON’T BUY IT. What thye sell is their business and not any ither single persons.
    My advice is to stop being a drama queen.

    I agree. Etsy is about handmade items.
    What a seller charges is up to them to decide.
    What's YOUR time worth???????


  16. You must admit $18.00 for a few pipe cleaners and knick knacks is a bit overboard.
    This is also something I'd like to see etsy address.
    Not just the resellers but the sellers who overcharge.


  17. We have the duty to judge both as etsy members.


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