I received this email today:
Love your blog and wish to remain anynomous, if that's okay.
You'll love this one. This shop, PenelopeG2, is in the <a href="http://www.etsy.com/voter_list.php?ref=voter&room_id=60">voter this week</a>. She's in second place, as of this writing, with 155 votes. Second place, mind you, but not one single item heart. Imagine that!!
Everytime flapperdoodle moves ahead by 10-plus votes, PenelopeG2 moves just to within a few votes of her... within a matter of minutes. This has been a consistent pattern all week, since this round of voting began. Probably so she can keep the pace and cross the finish line in the final minutes??
It gets better- Zero hearts on her popular item. Check out her feedback from buyers- minharda buys from PenelopeG2 on July 6, 2009 and leaves feedback July 7, 2009. Here's the feedback she left: "I gave this as a birthday gift to a girlfriend and she loved it....I think these pieces are unique and universal and very stylish."
Can you say express mail??!
The next day, July 8, minharda makes two more purchases and leaves feedback July 21, the same day the other buyer, Hgerryts, did. Neither buyers have bought from any other shop.
And it still gets better! In the etsy storque article about this voter, there is a comment that says "wow, love PenelopeG2's stuff - definitely on my wish list!" written by "dianadiva008" -- guess when she started her account? July 21st!! <a href="http://www.etsy.com/storque/etc/vote-who-has-the-freshest-shop-4406/">http://www.etsy.com/storque/etc/vote-who-has-the-freshest-shop-4406/</a> (scroll a way down to find the comment)
Dianadiva008n loves PenelopeG2 so much that she doesn't bother to heart her shop, or her items. In fact, she hardly has any item hearts on anything. Now, wouldn't you heart someone whose shop you love so much?
About 10 of us have been watching the voting pattern all week- it is amazing how, when flapperdoodle moves ahead by 10 or more votes, Penelope manages to close the gap.
While I think she makes her necklaces, some of her bracelets are mass produced.
Sock puppet's for sure... I hope you will look into this and post something before voting ends at 10 am Monday.
Please, please!!